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A Strategic Guide to the ACT

This e-book provides a deep dive into everything you need to know about the ACT.  It also contains several sample questions and a comprehensive frequently asked questions section to address any lingering concerns you may have about the exam. Learn more

ACT CBT Worksheet

Our Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) worksheet helps students preparing for the ACT determine whether their thoughts are originating in their "rational" or "anxious" brain. Learn more

ACT Test Anxiety Checklist

Our Test Anxiety Checklist helps students preparing for the ACT stay on track by providing an easy way for them to track their healthy habits. You can print out several copies of this checklist for each week of your preparation process. Learn more

ACT Test Anxiety Playbook

This e-book provides a detailed overview of test anxiety on the ACT, recommends several mitigation strategies, and offers helpful exercises that you can use if you feel overwhelmed while preparing for the exam. Learn more

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