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  • Our Hiring Process

At Green Light Education we believe that tutoring goes beyond just imparting knowledge; it's about fostering a profound connection between tutors and students, igniting the spark of curiosity, and inspiring a lifelong love for learning. Our commitment to delivering top-notch education isn't just about finding tutors who excel in their subjects; it's about selecting educators who can truly connect with and empower their students to reach new heights of academic achievement.

Our hiring process is not your typical recruitment journey. We've meticulously crafted a holistic methodology that goes above and beyond the conventional standards. It's a process designed to identify tutors who are not only subject matter experts but also possess the unique ability to motivate, engage, and mentor students on their educational journey.

Keep reading to learn about how we put this approach into practice, and hear from real clients who have benefitted from our careful selection process.

Step 1


All prospective tutors must first complete our in-depth online application. This process takes about 10 minutes; while certainly not onerous, the effort required for this step generally means that the only applications we receive are from tutors who are genuinely interested in working with us.

We review all submissions in the order they are received, and typically respond with next steps within 2-3 business days.

Approximately 60% of tutors who submit our application are asked to schedule an initial screener.

Step 2

Initial Screener

Once we decide that we're interested in moving forward with a tutor's application, we'll invite them to book a screening call with our founder, Jordan Schwartz. While some companies may hold off on such a high-level meeting until later in the process, we believe that it's important for our key stakeholders to be involved from the very beginning.

During this call, Jordan will go over the tutor's resume and application responses, and seek to understand whether he or she seems like a potential fit for Green Light Education based solely on soft skills, such as presentation, punctuality, and rapport.

Approximately 50% of tutors who complete the initial screener are moved to the next stage of the hiring process.

Step 3

Skills Assessment

Tutors who pass the initial screening with Jordan will then be asked to complete a skills assessment. Depending on the subject matter, this will either be a live meeting with a tutor who is experienced in that subject, or comprise a take-home element in which a tutor will be asked to familiarize themselves with a specific exam administration and be prepared to provide detailed explanations to any of the questions it contains.

Approximately 40% of tutors who complete the skills assessment are asked to proceed to the last step of the interview process.

Step 4

Panel Interview

The last step of our interview process is a panel interview with Jordan and 2-3 other tutors on our team. The purpose of this final step is to ensure that the tutor is a good fit for our culture, and to answer any lingering questions that the tutor may have about Green Light Education.

Approximately 75% of tutors who make it to this stage are invited to join our team. (Note: These figures add up to a 9% overall acceptance rate).

Feedback about our Tutors

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If you'd like to speak sooner, click here to book time with us directly.